
Strategy ยท Design

Integrated tennis ranking and networking system


The USTA is the single reliable source for tennis player match statistics, and provides no accessible API to their data. How could we take the data that they provided and reorganize/redesign the interface in order to cater to enthusiastic players and coaches looking for a usable piece of software?


United States

Initial Ideation

The service sector is saturated with single-use applications that make headway through costly promotions but slowly fade due to a lack of usability and ability to actually simplify any portion of the business cycle for restaurants or customers. In order to avoid the same fate, we spent a few months doing market research on currently available technology, what that tech lacked, and why businesses and consumers failed to repeatedly use it. After this, we came up with a simple flow diagram to map out the screens of the application to ensure user experience would be smooth and simple for all parties.


After completing the ideation phase, we were tasked with creating a front-end functional prototype that would serve as the guideline for development of the application. Below is the final product of this process.

The Process


User's create an account using their USTA number and enter the app.


Match and player data is scraped from USTA website to fill user profiles.


Players can use proprietary rating system to add extra reviews to players.

Final Product


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