
Strategy · Design · Development · Scale

Sample pill management made simple and secure


Doctors, offices and private clinics receive hundreds, even thousands of sample pills each year. How do we formalize intake and manage inventory in a way that maximizes efficiency and minimizes liability?


The current method of tracking these samples is the age old pen and paper method. With transactions made in between work hours, these handoffs often go unaccounted for. Our goal: to create a usable interface for pharmaceutical representatives and doctors to manage transactions and inventory anytime, anywhere.

Drawing board

The client came to us with a gamechanging idea, a result of years of experience with a broken process. We took this idea, and created a foundation on which we would build the application, identifying key processes and possible barriers to entry along the way.

Understanding HIPAA

During our ideation process, it was important to factor in the rules and regulations surrounding the industry. HIPAA, for example, was one of the most challenging constraints on functionality, however, with extensive user research, and polling of doctors, reps, and industry representatives, we created a workaround that protects sensitive user information without sacrificing functional integrity.

The Process


Sample drugs are "checked in" with clinics and hospitals via application.


Drugs that are checked in are managed in a cloud based inventory.


Record every transaction from rep to doctor and doctor to patient.

Final Product


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